what is the average amount of time to ejaculate

As sex-positivity and sexual wellness becomes more mainstream, the manner we discuss sex and evaluate our sexual experiences is changing.

Unfortunately, one harmful question is still often asked past people of all genders and sexualities: How long should sex last?

Nosotros now know this to be a pointless and arbitrary manner to determine whether the sex nosotros're having is pleasurable or enjoyable. But it's not our mistake nosotros've been led to recollect this is an important question to ask and know the reply to.

How long should sexual activity last?

'Considering of the culture that we have around sex, the fact that nosotros don't talk about it openly, that very few of the versions that nosotros practice see are non representative, and that sexual practice education does not fully equip u.s. for the reality of our sexual practice lives, nosotros are constantly looking for measures or ways of determining how we might exist "doing sexually",' says Kate Moyle, LELO's sexual activity & relationship skilful and host of The Sexual Health Sessions Podcast. 'How long sex should final, and frequency of sex activity are two of the just objective measures that we take, and so they are often the ones that people become preoccupied with, when in reality they can be consummate reddish herrings for determining sexual satisfaction.'

While there have been numerous – albeit limited and heteronormative – studies into how long sex lasts on average, which will be detailed farther below, Kate says it's more important to reframe your thinking around these expectations. 'Sexual satisfaction and pleasance should exist the goals of a sexual experience and in that location is no fourth dimension limit or fourth dimension constraint on that,' she explains. 'What is important is that there is enough time for arousal which is the body's process of preparing for sex, and in women [and people with vulvas] is of import because it assists lubrication which in turn makes intercourse more comfy, and in men [and people with penises] allows them time to gain an erection.'

What counts as sex?

Another issue with the question of how long sex should last, is that the style in which we define sex activity differs from person to person. Sexual intercourse was traditionally thought to mean penis-in-vagina, penetrative sex betwixt ii cisgender, heterosexual people. But this definition dismisses and devalues the sexual experiences of LGBTQ+ people, and those who do not or cannot take penetrative sexual practice – including women and vulva-having people who experience painful sex due to conditions similar vaginismus.

'A sexual experience does not need to involve penetration to be considered valid, and ofttimes this thought of sex having to last a certain amount of fourth dimension can get mixed up in the sexual narrative of sex activity equals intercourse and everything else doesn't count, which is likewise something that we need to educate about and redefine,' says Moyle.

Instead, Moyle suggests thinking about your own definition of sex and what information technology means and looks like to you lot. 'For too long we accept focused on a model of sex which is all about penetration, and every bit a result nosotros have what is commonly known as 'the orgasm gap', whereas sexual experiences should be virtually fun, pleasure, connectedness and satisfaction – not how long it lasts, or how often it happens,' she explains. 'There is no magic formula for sexual activity being a certain way – it's about the of import components of it such as communication and pleasure fitting together that makes it a practiced experience.'

How long does sexual activity last on average?

In 1948, the American sexologist Alfred Kinsey reported that 75 per cent of healthy men ejaculate within 2 minutes of vaginal penetration, says Dr Deborah Lee from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy. 'Women, still, demand a minimum of 11 minutes to orgasm,' she adds.

Lee cites a 2008 report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine which reported the views of a group of sex therapists on how long they felt sexual practice should last. The findings showed that sex lasting less than two minutes was considered 'as well short' and between 10-30 minutes was 'besides long'. Three to seven minutes was deemed 'adequate' and seven to 13 minutes was 'desirable'.

'The authors were keen to publicise their findings to help reduce feet, equally so many people have unrealistic expectations about their sexual performance,' she adds. She besides points to a 2019 Twitter poll which asked 2380 women how long they would like sexual practice to terminal.

  • 61 per cent wanted sex to last v to 10 minutes
  • 26 per cent reported wanting sex activity to last longer than eleven minutes

    'A 2005 written report in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, enrolled 500 couples in five different countries. Using a stopwatch, the time it took from vaginal penetration to ejaculation was recorded,' she says. 'The most mutual time to ejaculate was 5.4 minutes (with a range of 0.5 to 44.1 minutes.) Even so, in men aged 51 and over, the fourth dimension to ejaculation was significantly decreased to 3.4 minutes'. Use of a safe, or circumcision did not affect time to ejaculation, she adds.

    'Despite men wanting to please their partners, only around 25 per cent of women will orgasm during penile penetration. Men need to realise that just pumping for longer will not necessarily brand women climax. Many women need direct clitoral stimulation to orgasm. Long episodes of vaginal penetration may simply cause a sore vagina!'

    sex therapy

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    Physical factors affecting how long sexual practice lasts

    Historic period

    Lee says men and people with penises will find their ejaculatory blueprint is likely to change as they historic period. 'They demand more physical stimulation to get a firm, solid, erection, and this takes longer to achieve. After vaginal penetration, it generally takes longer to ejaculate. They may ejaculate less forcefully, with smaller quantities of semen. It can take longer, sometimes a full 24 hours, before they are able to ejaculate once more,' she explains, adding that this shouldn't mean they'll find sex any less pleasurable.

    Sexual dysfunction

    For men and people with penises who experience issues obtaining and maintaining a good plenty erection for vaginal penetration (known as erectile dysfunction), they may find they can't control their ejaculations too. 'They often experience broken-hearted, and they either ejaculate too speedily or not at all,' Lee explains.

    They may as well experience premature ejaculation (which is when a person ejaculates within ane minute of vaginal penetration. 'At that place is normally an underlying psychological cause for this,' Lee adds.

    She says stress and functioning anxiety can too result in erectile dysfunction and affect all aspects of a person's sexual functioning.

    How long should sex concluding if you're trying to excogitate?

    If you're having sex to conceive, should information technology final longer than if you lot're having sexual practice purely for pleasure? Lee says there is some evidence to suggests longer sexual activity may lead to improved fertility.

    'Each time a human ejaculates he releases around 250 1000000 sperm. Nonetheless, according to Professor Allan Pacey, Professor of Andrology at Sheffield University, nifty sex can increment the number of sperm released by 50 per cent. He calls this "gourmet sex!" If y'all delay ejaculation by v minutes, Pacey says, you tin release an extra 25 million sperm,' Lee explains.

    She also notes that in the 2009 Channel four documentary 'The Great Sperm Race', Dr Joanna Ellington, a reproductive health physiologist, was quoted saying 'the better the sexual practice the greater the chances of conception'. 'She went to explicate that when sex is peculiarly exciting, the additional stimulation results in sperm existence drawn into the ejaculate from deeper inside the testes,' Lee adds.

    Exciting sexual activity may also have benefits for women trying to conceive, she says. 'When they feel a powerful orgasm, potent pelvic contractions suck more sperm upwards into the uterus. Research in pigs, for example, has shown that when they are stimulated sexually past humans, this increases their fertility by 6 per cent.'

    She adds, 'If you desire to conceive, men'southward health at the time of formulation is more important than the length of time it takes to ejaculate.'

    Last updated: 25-09-2020

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    Source: https://www.netdoctor.co.uk/healthy-living/sex-life/a34146431/how-long-should-sex-last/

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